CompTIA Soft Skills Essentials - Organization/Business License

What's included
  • For organizations purchasing for groups of students
  • Self-paced lessons with videos, activities, reflection questions, and assessments
  • Helps you acquire competency in Soft Skills fundamentals, providing a competitive edge
  • Once redeemed, CompTIA Soft Skills Essentials will be valid for 12 months
USD $129.00
Our Price: USD $129.00

CompTIA Soft Skills Essentials develops essential non-technical skills learners need to excel in the workplace including critical interpersonal, communication, collaboration, and career development skills.

CompTIA Soft Skills Essentials develops skills that enhance careers by providing competency in critical interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills. The training follows a skills-based framework aligned with a learning model that utilizes narrative text, video, illustrations, and assessments to give context to the material, provide relevance through practice and feedback, and allow the learner to demonstrate mastery through hands-on activities and assessments.

Topics Covered

  • Character and Professionalism
  • Communication
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
  • Career Success

Classroom Setup with Access Keys

Instructions for New Users

If you are new to CompTIA CertMaster (formerly LabSim) products, you will receive an email with your administrator login credentials within 1 business day after purchase. Access keys and instructions to gain access to your campus will be sent in a separate email in that same timeframe. Please add [email protected] to your email address book to ensure you receive your account information.

Instructions for Returning Users

If you already have a CertMaster (formerly LabSim) campus set up, CompTIA will send your access keys within 1 business day of purchase.

Accessing your training product

To access your training product going forward, go to

Classroom Setup with Student Upload

Instructions for New Users

If you are new to CompTIA CertMaster (formerly LabSim) products, you will receive an email with your administrator login credentials within 1 business day after purchase. Instructions to gain access to your campus and licenses will be sent in a separate email in that same timeframe. Please add [email protected] to your email address book to ensure you receive your account information.

Instructions for Returning Users

If you already have a CertMaster (formerly LabSim) campus set up, CompTIA will process your request within 1 business day of purchase. You can check the status of your licenses in CertMaster under the School Details tab.

Accessing your training product

To access your training product going forward, go to
