CompTIA A+ (Exam 220-1001 or 220-1002) Voucher Retake

What's included
  • Exam voucher
  • Voucher good for one A+ exam (two exams required for certification)
  • Voucher valid for 12 months
USD $239.00
Our Price: USD $239.00

* Please select required options above.

Your IT journey starts here. We help you master the skills you’ll need on the job and give you the confidence to pass the two exams required for your A+ certification.

Exam Voucher Details

  • Vouchers are non-refundable and non-returnable.
  • CompTIA A+ certification requires two exams, with one voucher per exam required.
  • One voucher is applicable towards one exam [in any A+ series] at an authorized CompTIA Test Service Provider.
  • You must pass both A+ exams from the same exam series to achieve CompTIA A+ certification (e.g., A+ 901 and A+ 902).
  • All vouchers, including any retakes, are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted.
  • You must register and take your exam prior to the voucher expiration date.
  • Voucher expiration dates cannot be extended under any circumstances.
  • Certification exam retirement dates supersede voucher expiration dates. CompTIA may retire certifications and corresponding exams prior to voucher expiration dates.
  • Visit the CompTIA website for certifiation exam information, including exam launch and retirement dates.
  • Vouchers are country and currency restricted.

Additional Order Information

  • Order information will be emailed within 3 - 4 hours from purchase.
  • You will receive two emails. The first email will be your order confirmation and the second email will include your exam voucher, the voucher expiration date and voucher terms and conditions. Check your spam, junk and promotional folders.

Redeeming Your Voucher
